Source code for greatx.attack.targeted.fg_attack

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import grad
from import tqdm

from greatx.attack.targeted.targeted_attacker import TargetedAttacker
from greatx.nn.models.surrogate import Surrogate
from greatx.utils import singleton_mask

[docs]class FGAttack(TargetedAttacker, Surrogate): r"""Implementation of `FGA` attack from the: `"Fast Gradient Attack on Network Embedding" <>`_ paper (arXiv'18) Parameters ---------- data : Data PyG-like data denoting the input graph device : str, optional the device of the attack running on, by default "cpu" seed : Optional[int], optional the random seed for reproducing the attack, by default None name : Optional[str], optional name of the attacker, if None, it would be :obj:`__class__.__name__`, by default None kwargs : additional arguments of :class:`greatx.attack.Attacker`, Raises ------ TypeError unexpected keyword argument in :obj:`kwargs` Example ------- .. code-block:: python from greatx.dataset import GraphDataset import torch_geometric.transforms as T import os.path as osp dataset = GraphDataset(root='.', name='Cora', transform=T.LargestConnectedComponents()) data = dataset[0] surrogate_model = ... # train your surrogate model from greatx.attack.targeted import FGAttack attacker = FGAttack(data) attacker.setup_surrogate(surrogate_model) attacker.reset() # attacking target node `1` with default budget set as node degree attacker.attack(target=1) attacker.reset() # attacking target node `1` with budget set as 1 attacker.attack(target=1, num_budgets=1) # get attacked graph attacker.edge_flips() # get edge flips after attack attacker.added_edges() # get added edges after attack attacker.removed_edges() # get removed edges after attack Note ---- This is a simple but effective attack that utilizes gradient information of the adjacency matrix. There are several work sharing the same heuristic: * `FGSM`: `"Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples" <>`_ paper (ICLR'15) # noqa * `"Link Prediction Adversarial Attack Via Iterative Gradient Attack" <>`_ paper (IEEE Trans'20) # noqa * `"Adversarial Attack on Graph Structured Data" <>`_ paper (ICML'18) # noqa Also, Please remember to call :meth:`reset` before each attack. """ # FGAttack can conduct feature attack _allow_feature_attack: bool = True # FGAttack will not ensure there are no singleton nodes _allow_singleton: bool = True
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.modified_adj = self.get_dense_adj() self.modified_feat = self.feat.clone() return self
[docs] def attack(self, target, *, target_label=None, num_budgets=None, direct_attack=True, structure_attack=True, feature_attack=False, disable=False): super().attack(target, target_label, num_budgets=num_budgets, direct_attack=direct_attack, structure_attack=structure_attack, feature_attack=feature_attack) if feature_attack: self._check_feature_matrix_binary() target_label = self.target_label.view(-1) modified_adj = self.modified_adj modified_feat = self.modified_feat modified_adj.requires_grad_(bool(structure_attack)) modified_feat.requires_grad_(bool(feature_attack)) target = torch.as_tensor(target, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) target_label = torch.as_tensor(target_label, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long).view(-1) num_nodes, num_feats = self.num_nodes, self.num_feats for it in tqdm(range(self.num_budgets), desc='Peturbing graph...', disable=disable): adj_grad, feat_grad = self.compute_gradients( modified_adj, modified_feat, target, target_label) adj_grad_score = modified_adj.new_zeros(1) feat_grad_score = modified_feat.new_zeros(1) with torch.no_grad(): if structure_attack: adj_grad_score = self.structure_score( modified_adj, adj_grad, target) if feature_attack: feat_grad_score = self.feature_score( modified_feat, feat_grad, target) adj_max, adj_argmax = torch.max(adj_grad_score, dim=0) feat_max, feat_argmax = torch.max(feat_grad_score, dim=0) if adj_max >= feat_max: u, v = divmod(adj_argmax.item(), num_nodes) if self.direct_attack: u = target.item() edge_weight = modified_adj[u, v].data.item() modified_adj[u, v].data.fill_(1 - edge_weight) modified_adj[v, u].data.fill_(1 - edge_weight) assert self.is_legal_edge(u, v) if edge_weight > 0: self.remove_edge(u, v, it) else: self.add_edge(u, v, it) else: u, v = divmod(feat_argmax.item(), num_feats) feat_weight = modified_feat[u, v].data.item() modified_feat[u, v].data.fill_(1 - feat_weight) if feat_weight > 0: self.remove_feat(u, v, it) else: self.add_feat(u, v, it) return self
[docs] def structure_score(self, modified_adj, adj_grad, target): if self.direct_attack: score = adj_grad[target] * (1 - 2 * modified_adj[target]) score -= score.min() if not self._allow_singleton: score *= singleton_mask(modified_adj)[target] # make sure the targeted node would not be selected score[target] = -1 else: score = adj_grad * (1 - 2 * modified_adj) score -= score.min() if not self._allow_singleton: score *= singleton_mask(modified_adj) score = torch.triu(score, diagonal=1) # make sure the targeted node and its neighbors # would not be selected score[target] = -1 score[:, target] = -1 return score.view(-1)
[docs] def feature_score(self, modified_feat, feat_grad, target): if self.direct_attack: score = feat_grad[target] * (1 - 2 * modified_feat[target]) else: score = feat_grad * (1 - 2 * modified_feat) score -= score.min() # make sure the targeted node would not be selected score[target] = -1 return score.view(-1)
[docs] def compute_gradients(self, modified_adj, modified_feat, target, target_label): logit = self.surrogate(modified_feat, modified_adj)[target].view( 1, -1) / self.tau loss = F.cross_entropy(logit, target_label) if self.structure_attack and self.feature_attack: return grad(loss, [modified_adj, modified_feat], create_graph=False) if self.structure_attack: return grad(loss, modified_adj, create_graph=False)[0], None if self.feature_attack: return None, grad(loss, modified_feat, create_graph=False)[0]