

Graph purification based on cosine similarity of connected nodes.


Graph purification based on Jaccard similarity of connected nodes.


Graph purification based on low-rank Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.


Graph purification based on low-rank Eigen Decomposition reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.


Graph purification based on low-rank Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.


Implementation of GNNGUARD from the "GNNGUARD: Defending Graph Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks" paper (NeurIPS'20)


Base class for graph universal defense from the "Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" paper (arXiv'22)


Implementation of Graph Universal Adversarial Defense (GUARD) from the "Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" paper (arXiv'22)


Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on node degrees from the "Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" paper (arXiv'22)


Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on random choices from the "Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" paper (arXiv'22)


Implementation of FeaturePropagation from the "On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Feature propagation in Learning on Graphs with Missing Node Features" paper (Log'22)

class CosinePurification(threshold: float = 0.0, allow_singleton: bool = False)[source]

Graph purification based on cosine similarity of connected nodes.


CosinePurification is an extension of greatx.defense.JaccardPurification for dealing with continuous node features.

  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold to filter edges based on cosine similarity, by default 0.

  • allow_singleton (bool, optional) – whether such defense strategy allow singleton nodes, by default False

class JaccardPurification(threshold: float = 0.0, allow_singleton: bool = False)[source]

Graph purification based on Jaccard similarity of connected nodes. As in “Adversarial Examples on Graph Data: Deep Insights into Attack and Defense” paper (IJCAI’19)

  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold to filter edges based on Jaccard similarity, by default 0.

  • allow_singleton (bool, optional) – whether such defense strategy allow singleton nodes, by default False

class SVDPurification(K: int = 50, threshold: float = 0.01, binaryzation: bool = False, remove_edge_index: bool = True)[source]

Graph purification based on low-rank Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.

  • K (int, optional) – the top-k largest singular value for reconstruction, by default 50

  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold to set elements in the reconstructed adjacency matrix as zero, by default 0.01

  • binaryzation (bool, optional) – whether to binarize the reconstructed adjacency matrix, by default False

  • remove_edge_index (bool, optional) – whether to remove the edge_index and edge_weight int the input data after reconstruction, by default True


We set the reconstructed adjacency matrix as adj_t to be compatible with torch_geometric whose adj_t denotes the torch_sparse.SparseTensor.

class EigenDecomposition(K: int = 50, normalize: bool = True, remove_edge_index: bool = True)[source]

Graph purification based on low-rank Eigen Decomposition reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.

EigenDecomposition is similar to greatx.defense.SVDPurification

  • K (int, optional) – the top-k largest singular value for reconstruction, by default 50

  • normalize (bool, optional) – whether to normalize the input adjacency matrix

  • remove_edge_index (bool, optional) – whether to remove the edge_index and edge_weight int the input data after reconstruction, by default True


We set the reconstructed adjacency matrix as adj_t to be compatible with torch_geometric whose adj_t denotes the torch_sparse.SparseTensor.

class TSVD(K: int = 50, num_channels: int = 5, p: float = 0.1, normalize: bool = True)[source]

Graph purification based on low-rank Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) reconstruction on the adjacency matrix.

  • K (int, optional) – the top-k largest singular value for reconstruction, by default 50

  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold to set elements in the reconstructed adjacency matrix as zero, by default 0.01

  • binaryzation (bool, optional) – whether to binarize the reconstructed adjacency matrix, by default False

  • remove_edge_index (bool, optional) – whether to remove the edge_index and edge_weight int the input data after reconstruction, by default True


We set the reconstructed adjacency matrix as adj_t to be compatible with torch_geometric whose adj_t denotes the torch_sparse.SparseTensor.

augmentation(edge_index, edge_weight, num_nodes)[source]
class GNNGUARD(threshold: float = 0.1, add_self_loops: bool = False)[source]

Implementation of GNNGUARD from the “GNNGUARD: Defending Graph Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks” paper (NeurIPS’20)

  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold for removing edges based on attention scores, by default 0.1

  • add_self_loops (bool, optional) – whether to add self-loops to the input graph, by default False

forward(x, edge_index, edge_weight=None)[source]
extra_repr() str[source]

Set the extra representation of the module

To print customized extra information, you should re-implement this method in your own modules. Both single-line and multi-line strings are acceptable.

training: bool
class UniversalDefense(device: str = 'cpu')[source]

Base class for graph universal defense from the “Graph Universal Adversarial Defense” paper (arXiv’22)

forward(data: Data, target_nodes: Union[int, Tensor], k: int = 50, symmetric: bool = True) Data[source]

Return the defended graph with defensive perturbation performed on.

  • data (a graph represented as PyG-like data instance) – the graph where the defensive perturbation performed on

  • target_nodes (Union[int, Tensor]) – the target nodes where the defensive perturbation performed on

  • k (int) – the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50

  • symmetric (bool) – Determine whether the resulting graph is forcibly symmetric, by default True


Data – the defended graph with defensive perturbation performed on the target nodes

Return type:

PyG-like data

removed_edges(target_nodes: Union[int, Tensor], k: int = 50) Tensor[source]

Return edges to remove with the defensive perturbation performed on on the target nodes

  • target_nodes (Union[int, Tensor]) – the target nodes where the defensive perturbation performed on

  • k (int) – the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50


the edges to remove with the defensive perturbation performed on on the target nodes

Return type:

Tensor, shape [2, k]

anchors(k: int = 50) Tensor[source]

Return the top-k anchor nodes


k (int, optional) – the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50


the top-k anchor nodes

Return type:


patch(k=50) Tensor[source]

Return the universal patch of the defensive perturbation


k (int, optional) – the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50


the 0-1 (boolean) universal patch where 1 denotes the edges to be removed.

Return type:


training: bool
class GUARD(data: Data, alpha: float = 2, batch_size: int = 512, device: str = 'cpu')[source]

Implementation of Graph Universal Adversarial Defense (GUARD) from the “Graph Universal Adversarial Defense” paper (arXiv’22)

  • data (Data) – the PyG-like input data

  • alpha (float, optional) – the scale factor for node degree, by default 2

  • batch_size (int, optional) – the batch size for computing node influence, by default 512

  • device (str, optional) – the device where the method running on, by default “cpu”


surrogate = GCN(num_features, num_classes, bias=False, acts=None)
surrogate_trainer = Trainer(surrogate, device=device)
ckp = ModelCheckpoint('guard.pth', monitor='val_acc'), mask=(splits.train_nodes,
            splits.val_nodes), callbacks=[ckp])
trainer.evaluate(data, splits.test_nodes)

guard = GUARD(data, device=device)
guard.setup_surrogate(surrogate, data.y[splits.train_nodes])
target_node = 1
perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data
guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50)
setup_surrogate(surrogate: Module, victim_labels: Tensor) GUARD[source]

Method used to initialize the (trained) surrogate model.

  • surrogate (Module) – the input surrogate module

  • tau (float, optional) – temperature used for softmax activation, by default 1.0

  • freeze (bool, optional) – whether to freeze the model’s parameters to save time, by default True

  • required (Union[Module, Tuple[Module]], optional) – which class(es) of the surrogate model are required, by default None


the class itself

Return type:


training: bool
class DegreeGUARD(data: Data, descending: bool = False, device: str = 'cpu')[source]

Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on node degrees from the “Graph Universal Adversarial Defense” paper (arXiv’22)

  • data (Data) – the PyG-like input data

  • descending (bool, optional) – whether the degree of chosen nodes are in descending order, by default False

  • device (str, optional) – the device where the method running on, by default “cpu”


data = ... # PyG-like Data
guard = DegreeGUARD(data))
target_node = 1
perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data
guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50)
training: bool
class RandomGUARD(data: Data, device: str = 'cpu')[source]

Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on random choices from the “Graph Universal Adversarial Defense” paper (arXiv’22)

  • data (Data) – the PyG-like input data

  • device (str, optional) – the device where the method running on, by default “cpu”


data = ... # PyG-like Data
guard = RandomGUARD(data)
target_node = 1
perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data
guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50)
training: bool
class FeaturePropagation(missing_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_iterations: int = 40, normalize: bool = True)[source]

Implementation of FeaturePropagation from the “On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Feature propagation in Learning on Graphs with Missing Node Features” paper (Log’22)

  • num_iterations (int, optional) – number of iterations to run, by default 40

  • missing_mask (Optional[Tensor], optional) – mask on missing features, by default None

  • normalize (bool, optional) – whether to compute symmetric normalization coefficients on the fly, by default True

  • add_self_loops (bool, optional) – whether to add self-loops to the input graph, by default True


data = ... # PyG-like data
data = FeaturePropagation(num_iterations=40)(data)

# missing_mask is a mask `[num_nodes, num_features]`
# indicating where the feature is missing
data = FeaturePropagation(missing_mask=missing_mask)(data)

See also

