Source code for greatx.attack.targeted.nettack

import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from import Data
from import tqdm

from greatx.attack.targeted.targeted_attacker import TargetedAttacker
from greatx.nn.models.surrogate import Surrogate
from greatx.utils import LikelihoodFilter, scipy_normalize, singleton_filter

[docs]class Nettack(TargetedAttacker, Surrogate): r"""Implementation of `Nettack` attack from the: `"Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data" <>`_ paper (KDD'18) Parameters ---------- data : Data PyG-like data denoting the input graph device : str, optional the device of the attack running on, by default "cpu" seed : Optional[int], optional the random seed for reproducing the attack, by default None name : Optional[str], optional name of the attacker, if None, it would be :obj:`__class__.__name__`, by default None kwargs : additional arguments of :class:`greatx.attack.Attacker`, Raises ------ TypeError unexpected keyword argument in :obj:`kwargs` Example ------- .. code-block:: python from greatx.dataset import GraphDataset import torch_geometric.transforms as T import os.path as osp dataset = GraphDataset(root='.', name='Cora', transform=T.LargestConnectedComponents()) data = dataset[0] surrogate_model = ... # train your surrogate model from greatx.attack.targeted import Nettack attacker = Nettack(data) attacker.setup_surrogate(surrogate_model) attacker.reset() # attacking target node `1` with default budget set as node degree attacker.attack(target=1) # attacking target node `1` with budget set as 1 attacker.attack(target=1, num_budgets=1) # get attacked graph attacker.edge_flips() # get edge flips after attack attacker.added_edges() # get added edges after attack attacker.removed_edges() # get removed edges after attack Note ---- * Please remember to call :meth:`reset` before each attack. """ # Nettack can conduct feature attack _allow_feature_attack = True _allow_singleton: bool = False def __init__(self, data: Data, device: str = "cpu", seed: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(data=data, device=device, seed=seed, name=name, **kwargs) feat = self.feat self.scipy_feat = sp.csr_matrix(feat.cpu().numpy()) self.cooc_matrix = sp.csr_matrix((feat.t() @ feat).cpu().numpy())
[docs] def setup_surrogate(self, surrogate): Surrogate.setup_surrogate(self, surrogate=surrogate, freeze=True) W = None for para in self.surrogate.parameters(): if para.ndim == 1: warnings.warn("The surrogate model has `bias` term, " "which is ignored and the model itself " f"may not be a perfect choice for {}.") continue if W is None: W = para else: W = para @ W assert W is not None self.W = W.t().cpu().numpy() self.num_classes = self.W.shape[-1] return self
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.modified_adj = self.adjacency_matrix.copy() self.modified_feat = self.scipy_feat.copy() self.adj_norm = scipy_normalize(self.modified_adj) self.cooc_constraint = None return self
[docs] def compute_cooccurrence_constraint(self, nodes): num_nodes = self.num_nodes num_feats = self.num_feats words_graph = self.cooc_matrix - \ sp.diags(self.cooc_matrix.diagonal(), format='csr') words_graph.eliminate_zeros() = > 0 word_degrees = words_graph.sum(0).A1 inv_word_degrees = np.reciprocal(word_degrees.astype(float) + 1e-8) sd = np.zeros(num_nodes) for n in range(num_nodes): n_idx = self.modified_feat[n].nonzero()[1] sd[n] = np.sum(inv_word_degrees[n_idx.tolist()]) scores_matrix = sp.lil_matrix((num_nodes, num_feats)) for n in nodes: common_words = words_graph.multiply(self.modified_feat[n]) idegs = inv_word_degrees[common_words.nonzero()[1]] nnz = common_words.nonzero()[0] scores = np.array( [idegs[nnz == ix].sum() for ix in range(num_feats)]) scores_matrix[n] = scores self.cooc_constraint = sp.csr_matrix( scores_matrix - 0.5 * sd[:, None] > 0)
[docs] def gradient_wrt_x(self, label): return (self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm)[].T @ sp.coo_matrix( self.W[:, label].reshape(1, -1))
[docs] def compute_logits(self): return (self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm @ self.modified_feat
[docs] @ self.W)[].ravel()
def strongest_wrong_class(self, logits): target_label_onehot = np.eye(self.num_classes)[self.target_label] return (logits - 1000 * target_label_onehot).argmax()
[docs] def feature_scores(self): if self.cooc_constraint is None: self.compute_cooccurrence_constraint(self.influence_nodes) logits = self.compute_logits() best_wrong_class = self.strongest_wrong_class(logits) gradient = self.gradient_wrt_x( self.target_label) - self.gradient_wrt_x(best_wrong_class) surrogate_loss = logits[self.target_label] - logits[best_wrong_class] gradients_flipped = (gradient * -1).tolil() gradients_flipped[self.modified_feat.nonzero()] *= -1 X_influencers = sp.lil_matrix(self.modified_feat.shape) X_influencers[self.influence_nodes] = self.modified_feat[ self.influence_nodes] gradients_flipped = gradients_flipped.multiply( (self.cooc_constraint + X_influencers) > 0) nnz_ixs = np.array(gradients_flipped.nonzero()).T sorting = np.argsort(gradients_flipped[tuple(nnz_ixs.T)]).A1 sorted_ixs = nnz_ixs[sorting] grads = gradients_flipped[tuple(nnz_ixs[sorting].T)] scores = surrogate_loss - grads return sorted_ixs[::-1], scores.A1[::-1]
[docs] def structure_score(self, a_hat_uv, XW): logits = a_hat_uv @ XW label_onehot = np.eye(self.num_classes)[self.target_label] best_wrong_class_logits = (logits - 1000 * label_onehot).max(1) logits_for_correct_class = logits[:, self.target_label] struct_scores = logits_for_correct_class - best_wrong_class_logits return struct_scores
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def compute_XW(self): return self.modified_feat @ self.W
[docs] def get_attacker_nodes(self, n=5, add_additional_nodes=False): assert n < self.modified_adj.shape[0] - \ 1, "number of influencers cannot be >= number of nodes!" neighbors = self.modified_adj[].indices candidate_edges = np.column_stack( (np.tile(, len(neighbors)), neighbors)).astype("int32") # The new A_hat_square_uv values that we would get # if we removed the edge from u to each of the neighbors, respectively a_hat_uv = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(candidate_edges) XW = self.compute_XW() # compute the struct scores for all neighbors struct_scores = self.structure_score(a_hat_uv, XW) if len(neighbors) >= n: influence_nodes = neighbors[np.argsort(struct_scores)[:n]] if add_additional_nodes: return influence_nodes, np.array([]) return influence_nodes else: influence_nodes = neighbors if add_additional_nodes: # Add additional influencers by connecting them to u first. # Compute the set of possible additional influencers, i.e., # all nodes except the ones that are already connected to u. poss_add_infl = np.setdiff1d( np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.modified_adj.shape[0]), neighbors), n_possible_additional = len(poss_add_infl) n_additional_attackers = n - len(neighbors) possible_edges = np.column_stack( (np.tile(, n_possible_additional), poss_add_infl)).astype("int32") # Compute the struct_scores for all possible additional # influencers, and choose the one with the best struct score. a_hat_uv_additional = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(possible_edges) additional_struct_scores = self.structure_score( a_hat_uv_additional, XW) # TODO: is it correct? additional_influencers = poss_add_infl[np.argsort( additional_struct_scores)[-n_additional_attackers::]] return influence_nodes, additional_influencers else: return influence_nodes
[docs] def compute_new_a_hat_uv(self, candidate_edges): edges = np.transpose(self.modified_adj.nonzero()) edges_set = {tuple(e) for e in edges} A_hat_sq = self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm values_before = A_hat_sq[].toarray()[0] node_ixs = np.unique(edges[:, 0], return_index=True)[1].astype("int32") twohop_ixs = np.transpose(A_hat_sq.nonzero()) degrees = self.modified_adj.sum(0).A1 + 1 fn = get_numbafn() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', '.*Encountered the use of a type that is scheduled*') ixs, vals = fn(edges, node_ixs, edges_set, twohop_ixs, values_before, degrees, candidate_edges, ixs_arr = np.array(ixs) a_hat_uv = sp.coo_matrix( (vals, (ixs_arr[:, 0], ixs_arr[:, 1])), shape=[len(candidate_edges), self.modified_adj.shape[0]]) return a_hat_uv
[docs] def get_candidate_edges(self, n_influencers): # Potential edges are all edges from any attacker to any other node, # except the respective attacker itself or the node being attacked. target = N = self.num_nodes nodes_set = set(range(N)) - set([target]) if self.direct_attack: influencers = [target] row = np.repeat(influencers, N - 1) col = list(nodes_set) else: infls, add_infls = self.get_attacker_nodes( n_influencers, add_additional_nodes=True) influencers = np.concatenate((infls, add_infls)) # influencers = self.adjacency_matrix[target].indices row = np.repeat(influencers, N - 2) col = np.hstack( [list(nodes_set - set([infl])) for infl in influencers]) candidate_edges = np.stack([row, col], axis=1) self.influence_nodes = np.asarray(influencers) return candidate_edges
[docs] def attack(self, target, *, target_label=None, num_budgets=None, n_influencers=5, direct_attack=True, structure_attack=True, feature_attack=False, ll_constraint=True, ll_cutoff=0.004, disable=False): super().attack(target, target_label, num_budgets=num_budgets, direct_attack=direct_attack, structure_attack=structure_attack, feature_attack=feature_attack) if feature_attack: self._check_feature_matrix_binary() if ll_constraint and self._allow_singleton: raise RuntimeError( "`ll_constraint` is failed when `allow_singleton=True`, " "please set `attacker.set_allow_singleton(False)`.") target_label = self.target_label.item() candidate_edges = self.get_candidate_edges(n_influencers).astype( "int32") if ll_constraint: likelihood_filter = LikelihoodFilter(, ll_cutoff=ll_cutoff) for it in tqdm(range(self.num_budgets), desc='Perturbing graph...', disable=disable): best_edge_score = best_feature_score = 0 if structure_attack: # Do not consider edges that, if removed, # result in singleton edges in the graph. if not self._allow_singleton: candidate_edges = singleton_filter(candidate_edges, self.modified_adj) if ll_constraint: candidate_edges = likelihood_filter( candidate_edges, edge_weights=self.modified_adj[candidate_edges[:, 0], candidate_edges[:, 1]].A1) # Compute new entries in A_hat_square_uv a_hat_uv_new = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(candidate_edges) # Compute struct scores for each potential edge struct_scores = self.structure_score(a_hat_uv_new, self.compute_XW()) best_edge_ix = struct_scores.argmin() best_edge_score = struct_scores.min() best_edge = candidate_edges[best_edge_ix] if feature_attack: # Compute feature scores for each feature perturbation feature_ixs, feature_scores = self.feature_scores() best_feat = feature_ixs[0] best_feature_score = feature_scores[0] if structure_attack and feature_attack: # decide whether to choose an edge or feature to change if best_edge_score < best_feature_score: change_structure = True else: change_structure = False elif structure_attack: change_structure = True elif feature_attack: change_structure = False if change_structure: # perform edge perturbation u, v = best_edge edge_weight = self.modified_adj[(u, v)] modified_adj = self.modified_adj.tolil(copy=False) modified_adj[(u, v)] = modified_adj[( v, u)] = 1 - modified_adj[(u, v)] self.modified_adj = modified_adj.tocsr(copy=False) self.adj_norm = scipy_normalize(self.modified_adj) if edge_weight > 0: self.remove_edge(u, v, it) else: self.add_edge(u, v, it) np.delete(candidate_edges, best_edge_ix, axis=0) if ll_constraint: # Update likelihood ratio test values likelihood_filter.update(u, v, edge_weight, best_edge_ix) else: u, v = best_feat feat_weight = self.modified_feat[(u, v)] modified_feat = self.modified_feat.tolil(copy=False) modified_feat[(u, v)] = 1 - modified_feat[(u, v)] self.modified_feat = modified_feat.tocsr(copy=False) if feat_weight > 0: self.remove_feat(u, v, it) else: self.add_feat(u, v, it) self.compute_XW.cache_clear() return self
def get_numbafn(): from numba import njit @njit def connected_after(u, v, connected_before, delta): if u == v: if delta == -1: return False else: return True else: return connected_before @njit def compute_new_a_hat_uv(edge_ixs, node_nb_ixs, edges_set, twohop_ixs, values_before, degs, candidate_edges, u): """ Compute the new values [A_hat_square]_u for every potential edge, where u is the target node. C.f. Theorem 5.1 equation 17. Parameters ---------- edge_ixs: np.array, shape [E,2], where E is the number of edges in the graph The indices of the nodes connected by the edges in the input graph. node_nb_ixs: np.array, shape [num_nodes,], dtype int For each node, this gives the first index of edges associated to this node in the edge array (edge_ixs). This will be used to quickly look up the neighbors of a node, since numba does not allow nested lists. edges_set: set((e0, e1)) The set of edges in the input graph, i.e. e0 and e1 are two nodes connected by an edge twohop_ixs: np.array, shape [T, 2], where T is the number of edges in A_tilde^2 The indices of nodes that are in the twohop neighborhood of each other, including self-loops. values_before: np.array, shape [num_nodes,], the values in [A_hat]^2_uv to be updated. degs: np.array, shape [num_nodes,], dtype int The degree of the nodes in the input graph. candidate_edges: np.array, shape [P, 2], where P is the number of potential edges. The potential edges to be evaluated. For each of these potential edges, this function will compute the values in [A_hat]^2_uv that would result after inserting/removing this edge. u: int The target node """ num_nodes = degs.shape[0] twohop_u = twohop_ixs[twohop_ixs[:, 0] == u, 1] nbs_u = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == u, 1] nbs_u_set = set(nbs_u) return_ixs = [] return_values = [] for ix in range(len(candidate_edges)): edge = candidate_edges[ix] edge_set = set(edge) degs_new = degs.copy() delta = -2 * ((edge[0], edge[1]) in edges_set) + 1 degs_new[edge] += delta nbs_edge0 = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == edge[0], 1] nbs_edge1 = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == edge[1], 1] affected_nodes = set( np.concatenate((twohop_u, nbs_edge0, nbs_edge1))) affected_nodes = affected_nodes.union(edge_set) a_um = edge[0] in nbs_u_set a_un = edge[1] in nbs_u_set a_un_after = connected_after(u, edge[0], a_un, delta) a_um_after = connected_after(u, edge[1], a_um, delta) for v in affected_nodes: a_uv_before = v in nbs_u_set a_uv_before_sl = a_uv_before or v == u if v in edge_set and u in edge_set and u != v: if delta == -1: a_uv_after = False else: a_uv_after = True else: a_uv_after = a_uv_before a_uv_after_sl = a_uv_after or v == u from_ix = node_nb_ixs[v] to_ix = node_nb_ixs[v + 1] if v < num_nodes - \ 1 else len(edge_ixs) node_nbs = edge_ixs[from_ix:to_ix, 1] node_nbs_set = set(node_nbs) a_vm_before = edge[0] in node_nbs_set a_vn_before = edge[1] in node_nbs_set a_vn_after = connected_after(v, edge[0], a_vn_before, delta) a_vm_after = connected_after(v, edge[1], a_vm_before, delta) mult_term = 1. / np.sqrt(degs_new[u] * degs_new[v]) sum_term1 = np.sqrt(degs[u] * degs[v]) * values_before[v] - \ a_uv_before_sl / degs[u] - a_uv_before / degs[v] sum_term2 = a_uv_after / \ degs_new[v] + a_uv_after_sl / degs_new[u] sum_term3 = -((a_um and a_vm_before) / degs[edge[0]]) + ( a_um_after and a_vm_after) / degs_new[edge[0]] sum_term4 = -((a_un and a_vn_before) / degs[edge[1]]) + ( a_un_after and a_vn_after) / degs_new[edge[1]] new_val = mult_term * (sum_term1 + sum_term2 + sum_term3 + sum_term4) return_ixs.append((ix, v)) return_values.append(new_val) return return_ixs, return_values return compute_new_a_hat_uv