Source code for greatx.defense.universal_defense

from copy import copy
from typing import Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from import DataLoader
from import Data
from torch_geometric.utils import degree

from greatx.nn.models.surrogate import Surrogate
from greatx.utils import remove_edges

[docs]class UniversalDefense(torch.nn.Module): r"""Base class for graph universal defense from the `"Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" <>`_ paper (arXiv'22) """ def __init__(self, device: str = "cpu"): super().__init__() self.device = torch.device(device) self._anchors = None
[docs] def forward(self, data: Data, target_nodes: Union[int, Tensor], k: int = 50, symmetric: bool = True) -> Data: """Return the defended graph with defensive perturbation performed on. Parameters ---------- data : a graph represented as PyG-like data instance the graph where the defensive perturbation performed on target_nodes : Union[int, Tensor] the target nodes where the defensive perturbation performed on k : int the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50 symmetric : bool Determine whether the resulting graph is forcibly symmetric, by default True Returns ------- Data: PyG-like data the defended graph with defensive perturbation performed on the target nodes """ data = copy(data) data.edge_index = remove_edges(data.edge_index, self.removed_edges(target_nodes, k), symmetric=symmetric) return data
[docs] def removed_edges(self, target_nodes: Union[int, Tensor], k: int = 50) -> Tensor: """Return edges to remove with the defensive perturbation performed on on the target nodes Parameters ---------- target_nodes : Union[int, Tensor] the target nodes where the defensive perturbation performed on k : int the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50 Returns ------- Tensor, shape [2, k] the edges to remove with the defensive perturbation performed on on the target nodes """ row = torch.as_tensor(target_nodes, device=self.device).view(-1) col = self.anchors(k) row, col = row.repeat_interleave(k), col.repeat(row.size(0)) return torch.stack([row, col], dim=0)
[docs] def anchors(self, k: int = 50) -> Tensor: """Return the top-k anchor nodes Parameters ---------- k : int, optional the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50 Returns ------- Tensor the top-k anchor nodes """ assert k > 0 return self._anchors[:k].to(self.device)
[docs] def patch(self, k=50) -> Tensor: """Return the universal patch of the defensive perturbation Parameters ---------- k : int, optional the number of anchor nodes in the defensive perturbation, by default 50 Returns ------- Tensor the 0-1 (boolean) universal patch where 1 denotes the edges to be removed. """ _patch = torch.zeros(self.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device) _patch[self.anchors(k=k)] = True return _patch
[docs]class GUARD(UniversalDefense, Surrogate): r"""Implementation of Graph Universal Adversarial Defense (GUARD) from the `"Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" <>`_ paper (arXiv'22) Parameters ---------- data : Data the PyG-like input data alpha : float, optional the scale factor for node degree, by default 2 batch_size : int, optional the batch size for computing node influence, by default 512 device : str, optional the device where the method running on, by default "cpu" Example ------- .. code-block:: python surrogate = GCN(num_features, num_classes, bias=False, acts=None) surrogate_trainer = Trainer(surrogate, device=device) ckp = ModelCheckpoint('guard.pth', monitor='val_acc'), mask=(splits.train_nodes, splits.val_nodes), callbacks=[ckp]) trainer.evaluate(data, splits.test_nodes) guard = GUARD(data, device=device) guard.setup_surrogate(surrogate, data.y[splits.train_nodes]) target_node = 1 perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50) """ def __init__(self, data: Data, alpha: float = 2, batch_size: int = 512, device: str = "cpu"): super().__init__(device=device) = data self.alpha = alpha self.batch_size = batch_size self.influence_score = None self.deg = degree(data.edge_index[0], num_nodes=data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.float)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def setup_surrogate(self, surrogate: torch.nn.Module, victim_labels: Tensor) -> "GUARD": from greatx.nn.models.supervised import GCN, SGC Surrogate.setup_surrogate(self, surrogate=surrogate, freeze=True, required=(SGC, GCN)) W = None for para in self.surrogate.parameters(): if para.ndim == 1: continue if W is None: W = para.detach() else: W = para.detach() @ W W = @ W.t() d = self.deg.clamp(min=1).to(self.device) loader = DataLoader(victim_labels, pin_memory=False, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False) w_max = W.max(1).values incluence = 0. for y in loader: incluence += W[:, y].sum(1) incluence = (w_max - incluence / victim_labels.size(0)) / \ d.pow(self.alpha) # node importance self._anchors = torch.argsort(incluence, descending=True) self.influence_score = incluence return self
[docs]class DegreeGUARD(UniversalDefense): r"""Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on node degrees from the `"Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" <>`_ paper (arXiv'22) Parameters ---------- data : Data the PyG-like input data descending : bool, optional whether the degree of chosen nodes are in descending order, by default False device : str, optional the device where the method running on, by default "cpu" Example ------- .. code-block:: python data = ... # PyG-like Data guard = DegreeGUARD(data)) target_node = 1 perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50) """ def __init__(self, data: Data, descending: bool = False, device: str = "cpu"): super().__init__(device=device) deg = degree(data.edge_index[0], num_nodes=data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.float) self._anchors = torch.argsort(deg, descending=descending)
[docs]class RandomGUARD(UniversalDefense): r"""Implementation of Graph Universal Defense based on random choices from the `"Graph Universal Adversarial Defense" <>`_ paper (arXiv'22) Parameters ---------- data : Data the PyG-like input data device : str, optional the device where the method running on, by default "cpu" Example ------- .. code-block:: python data = ... # PyG-like Data guard = RandomGUARD(data) target_node = 1 perturbed_data = ... # Other PyG-like Data guard(perturbed_data, target_node, k=50) """ def __init__(self, data: Data, device: str = "cpu"): super().__init__(device=device) self._anchors = torch.randperm(data.num_nodes, device=self.device)