Source code for greatx.functional.transform

from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch_geometric.utils.num_nodes import maybe_num_nodes
from torch_sparse import SparseTensor

__all__ = ['to_sparse_tensor', 'to_dense_adj', 'to_sparse_adj']

[docs]def to_sparse_tensor( edge_index: Tensor, edge_weight: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_nodes: Optional[int] = None, is_sorted: bool = False, ) -> SparseTensor: """Convert edge index to a :class:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` Parameters ---------- edge_index : torch.Tensor edge index with shape [2, M] edge_weight : Optional[Tensor], optional edge weight with shape [M], by default None num_nodes : Optional[int], optional the number of nodes in the graph, by default None is_sorted : bool, optional whether the :obj:`edge_index` is sorted, by default False Returns ------- :class:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` the output sparse adjacency matrix denoted as :class:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`, with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_nodes]` """ num_nodes = maybe_num_nodes(edge_index, num_nodes) return SparseTensor.from_edge_index( edge_index, edge_weight, is_sorted=is_sorted, sparse_sizes=(num_nodes, num_nodes)).to(edge_index.device)
[docs]def to_dense_adj( edge_index: Tensor, edge_weight: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_nodes: Optional[int] = None, fill_value: float = 1.0, ) -> Tensor: """Convert edge index to dense adjacency matrix :class:`torch.FloatTensor` Parameters ---------- edge_index : torch.Tensor edge index with shape [2, M] edge_weight : Optional[Tensor], optional edge weight with shape [M], by default None num_nodes : Optional[int], optional the number of nodes in the graph, by default None fill_value : float filling value for elements in the adjacency matrix where edges existed, by default 1.0 Returns ------- :class:`torch.Tensor` output dense adjacency matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_nodes]` """ num_nodes = maybe_num_nodes(edge_index, num_nodes) adj = torch.zeros(num_nodes, num_nodes, device=edge_index.device) if edge_weight is None: adj[edge_index[0], edge_index[1]] = fill_value else: adj[edge_index[0], edge_index[1]] = edge_weight return adj
[docs]def to_sparse_adj( edge_index: Tensor, edge_attr: Optional[Tensor] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.sparse.Tensor: """Convert edge index to sparse adjacency matrix :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` Parameters ---------- edge_index : torch.Tensor edge index with shape [2, M] edge_attr : Optional[Tensor], optional edge attributes, by default None size : Optional[int], optional The size of the sparse matrix. If given as an integer, will create a quadratic sparse matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, will infer a quadratic sparse matrix based on :obj:`edge_index.max() + 1`. By default None Return ------- :class:`torch.sparse.Tensor` output sparse adjacency matrix Example: ------- >>> edge_index = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], ... [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]) >>> to_torch_coo_tensor(edge_index) tensor(indices=tensor([[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2]]), values=tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), size=(4, 4), nnz=6, layout=torch.sparse_coo) """ if size is None: size = int(edge_index.max()) + 1 if not isinstance(size, (tuple, list)): size = (size, size) if edge_attr is None: edge_attr = torch.ones(edge_index.size(1), device=edge_index.device) size = tuple(size) + edge_attr.size()[1:] out = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(edge_index, edge_attr, size, device=edge_index.device) out = out.coalesce() return out