Source code for greatx.nn.layers.snn

from math import pi
from typing import Callable

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor

def heaviside(x: Tensor) -> Tensor:

class BaseSpike(torch.autograd.Function):
    """Base spiking function.
    def forward(ctx, x, alpha):
        ctx.save_for_backward(x, alpha)
        return heaviside(x)

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SuperSpike(BaseSpike):
    """Spike function with SuperSpike surrogate gradient from
    "SuperSpike: Supervised Learning in Multilayer
    Spiking Neural Networks", Zenke et al. 2018.

    Design choices: (1) Height of 1 ("The Remarkable Robustness of
    Surrogate Gradient...", Zenke et al. 2021) (2) alpha scaled by 10
    ("Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks", Ledinauskas et al. 2020)
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        x, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output  # .clone()
        sg = 1 / (1 + alpha * x.abs())**2
        return grad_input * sg, None

class MultiGaussSpike(BaseSpike):
    """Spike function with multi-Gaussian surrogate gradient from
    "Accurate and efficient time-domain classification", Yin et al. 2021.

    Design choices:
    - Hyperparameters determined through grid search (Yin et al. 2021)
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        x, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output  # .clone()
        zero = torch.tensor(0.0)  # no need to specify device for 0-d tensors
        sg = (1.15 * gaussian(x, zero, alpha) -
              0.15 * gaussian(x, alpha, 6 * alpha) -
              0.15 * gaussian(x, -alpha, 6 * alpha))
        return grad_input * sg, None

def gaussian(x: Tensor, mu: Tensor, sigma: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Gaussian PDF with broadcasting.
    return torch.exp(-((x - mu) * (x - mu)) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) / (
        sigma * torch.sqrt(2 * torch.tensor(pi)))  # noqa

class TriangleSpike(BaseSpike):
    """Spike function with triangular surrogate gradient
    as in Bellec et al. 2020.
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        x, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output  # .clone()
        sg = torch.nn.functional.relu(1 - alpha * x.abs())
        return grad_input * sg, None

class ArctanSpike(BaseSpike):
    """Spike function with derivative of arctan surrogate gradient.
    Featured in Fang et al. 2020/2021.
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        x, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output  # .clone()
        sg = 1 / (1 + alpha * x * x)
        return grad_input * sg, None

class SigmoidSpike(BaseSpike):
    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        x, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = grad_output  # .clone()
        sgax = (x * alpha).sigmoid_()
        sg = (1. - sgax) * sgax * alpha
        return grad_input * sg, None

def superspike(x, thresh=torch.tensor(1.0), alpha=torch.tensor(10.0)):
    return SuperSpike.apply(x - thresh, alpha)

def mgspike(x, thresh=torch.tensor(1.0), alpha=torch.tensor(0.5)):
    return MultiGaussSpike.apply(x - thresh, alpha)

def sigmoidspike(x, thresh=torch.tensor(1.0), alpha=torch.tensor(1.0)):
    return SigmoidSpike.apply(x - thresh, alpha)

def trianglespike(x, thresh=torch.tensor(1.0), alpha=torch.tensor(1.0)):
    return TriangleSpike.apply(x - thresh, alpha)

def arctanspike(x, thresh=torch.tensor(1.0), alpha=torch.tensor(10.0)):
    return ArctanSpike.apply(x - thresh, alpha)

    'sigmoid': sigmoidspike,
    'triangle': trianglespike,
    'arctan': arctanspike,
    'mg': mgspike,
    'super': superspike,

[docs]class PoissonEncoder(nn.Module):
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """""" out_spike = torch.rand_like(x).le(x).to(x) return out_spike
def get_surrogate(name: str) -> Callable: assert name in SURROGATE surrogate = SURROGATE.get(name, None) if surrogate is None: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported surrogate function {name}") return surrogate
[docs]class IF(nn.Module): r"""The Integrate-and-Fire (IF) neuron for spiking neural networks. Parameters ---------- v_threshold : float, optional the threshold for emitting a spike, by default 1.0 v_reset : float, optional the reset level for neuron, by default 0. alpha : float, optional the smooth factor for surrogate function, by default 1.0 gamma : float, optional the threshold decay factor :math:`\gamma`, by default 0. thresh_decay : float, optional the threshold decay factor, by default 1.0 surrogate : str, optional the surrogate function for training spiking neurons, could one of (:obj:'sigmoid', :obj:'triangle', :obj:'arctan' :obj:'mg', and :obj:'super'), by default 'sigmoid' """ def __init__( self, v_threshold: float = 1.0, v_reset: float = 0., alpha: float = 1.0, gamma: float = 0., thresh_decay: float = 1.0, surrogate: str = 'sigmoid', ): super().__init__() self.v_threshold = v_threshold self.v_reset = v_reset self.gamma = gamma self.thresh_decay = thresh_decay self.surrogate = get_surrogate(surrogate) self.register_buffer("alpha", torch.as_tensor(alpha, dtype=torch.float)) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset neuron states.""" self.v = 0. self.v_th = self.v_threshold
[docs] def forward(self, dv: Tensor) -> Tensor: """""" # 1. charge self.v += dv # 2. fire spike = self.surrogate(self.v, self.v_threshold, self.alpha) # 3. reset self.v = (1 - spike) * self.v + spike * self.v_reset # 4. threhold updates self.v_th = self.gamma * spike + self.v_th * self.thresh_decay return spike
[docs]class LIF(nn.Module): r"""The Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neuron for spiking neural networks. Parameters ---------- v_threshold : float, optional the threshold for emitting a spike, by default 1.0 v_reset : float, optional the reset level for neuron, by default 0. tau : float, optional the leaky factor :math:`\tau` for LIF-based neuron, by default 1.0 alpha : float, optional the smooth factor for surrogate function, by default 1.0 gamma : float, optional the threshold decay factor :math:`\gamma`, by default 0. thresh_decay : float, optional the threshold decay factor, by default 1.0 surrogate : str, optional the surrogate function for training spiking neurons, could one of (:obj:'sigmoid', :obj:'triangle', :obj:'arctan' :obj:'mg', and :obj:'super'), by default 'sigmoid' """ def __init__( self, v_threshold: float = 1.0, v_reset: float = 0., tau: float = 1.0, alpha: float = 1.0, gamma: float = 0., thresh_decay: float = 1.0, surrogate: str = 'sigmoid', ): super().__init__() self.v_threshold = v_threshold self.v_reset = v_reset self.gamma = gamma self.thresh_decay = thresh_decay self.surrogate = get_surrogate(surrogate) self.register_buffer("tau", torch.as_tensor(tau, dtype=torch.float)) self.register_buffer("alpha", torch.as_tensor(alpha, dtype=torch.float)) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset neuron states.""" self.v = 0. self.v_th = self.v_threshold
[docs] def forward(self, dv: Tensor) -> Tensor: """""" # 1. charge self.v = self.v + (dv - (self.v - self.v_reset)) / self.tau # 2. fire spike = self.surrogate(self.v, self.v_th, self.alpha) # 3. reset self.v = (1 - spike) * self.v + spike * self.v_reset # 4. threhold updates self.v_th = self.gamma * spike + self.v_th * self.thresh_decay return spike
[docs]class PLIF(nn.Module): r"""The Parametric Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (PLIF) neuron for spiking neural networks. It differs from :class:`LIF` with a trainable :math:`\tau`. Parameters ---------- v_threshold : float, optional the threshold for emitting a spike, by default 1.0 v_reset : float, optional the reset level for neuron, by default 0. tau : float, optional the leaky factor :math:`\tau` for LIF-based neuron, by default 1.0 alpha : float, optional the smooth factor for surrogate function, by default 1.0 gamma : float, optional the threshold decay factor :math:`\gamma`, by default 0. thresh_decay : float, optional the threshold decay factor, by default 1.0 surrogate : str, optional the surrogate function for training spiking neurons, could one of (:obj:'sigmoid', :obj:'triangle', :obj:'arctan' :obj:'mg', and :obj:'super'), by default 'sigmoid' """ def __init__( self, v_threshold: float = 1.0, v_reset: float = 0., tau: float = 1.0, alpha: float = 1.0, gamma: float = 0., thresh_decay: float = 1.0, surrogate: str = 'sigmoid', ): super().__init__() self.v_threshold = v_threshold self.v_reset = v_reset self.gamma = gamma self.thresh_decay = thresh_decay self.surrogate = get_surrogate(surrogate) self.register_parameter( "tau", nn.Parameter(torch.as_tensor(tau, dtype=torch.float))) self.register_buffer("alpha", torch.as_tensor(alpha, dtype=torch.float)) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset neuron states.""" self.v = 0. self.v_th = self.v_threshold
[docs] def forward(self, dv: Tensor) -> Tensor: """""" # 1. charge self.v = self.v + (dv - (self.v - self.v_reset)) / self.tau # 2. fire spike = self.surrogate(self.v, self.v_th, self.alpha) # 3. reset self.v = (1 - spike) * self.v + spike * self.v_reset # 4. threhold updates self.v_th = self.gamma * spike + self.v_th * self.thresh_decay return spike