Source code for greatx.utils.filter

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
from torch import Tensor

__all__ = ["singleton_filter", "SingletonFilter",
           "LikelihoodFilter", "singleton_mask"]

[docs]def singleton_filter(edges: np.ndarray, adj_matrix: sp.csr_matrix): """Filter edges that, if removed, would turn one or more nodes into singleton nodes. Parameters ---------- edges: np.array, shape [M, 2], where M is the number of input edges. The candidate edges to remove. adj_matrix: sp.sparse_matrix, shape [num_nodes, num_nodes] The input adjacency matrix where edges derived from. Returns ------- np.array, shape [M, 2], the edges that removed will not generate singleton nodes. """ assert edges.shape[1] == 2, f"edges should be shape [M, 2], bug got {edges.shape}" if len(edges) == 0: warnings.warn("No edges found.", RuntimeWarning) return edges deg = adj_matrix.sum(1).A1 existing_edge = adj_matrix.tocsr(copy=False)[edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1]].A1 if existing_edge.size > 0: edge_degrees = deg[edges] - 2 * existing_edge[:, None] + 1 else: edge_degrees = deg[edges] + 1 mask = np.logical_and(edge_degrees[:, 0] > 0, edge_degrees[:, 1] > 0) return edges[mask]
[docs]def singleton_mask(adj_matrix: Tensor): """Computes a mask for entries potentially leading to singleton nodes, i.e. one of the two nodes corresponding to the entry have degree 1 and there is an edge between the two nodes. Parameters ---------- adj_matrix : Tensor, shape [N, N], where N is the number of nodes the input adjacency matrix to compte the mask Returns ------- mask : bool Tensor a boolean mask with shape as :obj:`adj_matrix`. """ N = adj_matrix.size(0) degrees = adj_matrix.sum(1) degree_one = degrees == 1 resh = degree_one.repeat(N).view(N, N) l_and = torch.logical_and(resh, adj_matrix > 0) logical_and_symmetric = torch.logical_or(l_and, l_and.t()) mask = 1. - logical_and_symmetric.float() return mask
[docs]class SingletonFilter: """Computes a mask for entries potentially leading to singleton nodes, i.e. one of the two nodes corresponding to the entry have degree 1 and there is an edge between the two nodes. Parameters ---------- adj_matrix : sp.csr_matrix the input adjacency matrix """ def __init__(self, adj_matrix: sp.csr_matrix): = adj_matrix.sum(1).A1 def __call__(self, edges: np.ndarray, adj_matrix: sp.csr_matrix): return singleton_filter(edges, adj_matrix)
[docs] def update(self, u: int, v: int, edge_weight: float): delta = 1 - 2 * edge_weight[u] += delta[v] += delta
[docs]class LikelihoodFilter: """Likelihood filter from the `"Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data" <>`_ paper (KDD'18) Parameters ---------- degree : np.ndarray the degree of the nodes in the graph ll_cutoff : float, optional likelihood cutoff, by default 0.004 """ def __init__(self, degree: np.ndarray, ll_cutoff: float = 0.004): self.ll_cutoff = ll_cutoff # Setup starting values of the likelihood ratio test. degree_sequence_start = degree d_min = 2 # denotes the minimum degree a node needs to have to be considered in the power-law test S_d_start = np.sum( np.log(degree_sequence_start[degree_sequence_start >= d_min])) n_start = np.sum(degree_sequence_start >= d_min) alpha_start = self.compute_alpha(n_start, S_d_start, d_min) self.log_likelihood_start = self.compute_log_likelihood( n_start, alpha_start, S_d_start, d_min) self.S_d_start = S_d_start self.current_S_d = S_d_start.copy() self.n_start = n_start self.current_n = n_start.copy() self.current_degree_sequence = degree_sequence_start.copy() self.d_min = d_min def __call__(self, edges: np.ndarray, edge_weights: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Do not consider edges that, if added/removed, would lead to a violation of the likelihood ration Chi_square cutoff value. """ n_start = self.n_start S_d_start = self.S_d_start current_S_d = self.current_S_d current_n = self.current_n d_min = self.d_min # Update the values for the power law likelihood ratio test. deltas = 1 - 2 * edge_weights d_edges_old = self.current_degree_sequence[edges] d_edges_new = self.current_degree_sequence[edges] + deltas[:, None] new_S_d, new_n = self.update_Sx( current_S_d, current_n, d_edges_old, d_edges_new, d_min) new_alphas = self.compute_alpha(new_n, new_S_d, d_min) new_ll = self.compute_log_likelihood(new_n, new_alphas, new_S_d, d_min) alphas_combined = self.compute_alpha( new_n + n_start, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ll_combined = self.compute_log_likelihood( new_n + n_start, alphas_combined, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ratios = -2 * new_ll_combined + 2 * \ (new_ll + self.log_likelihood_start) mask = self.filter_chisquare(new_ratios, self.ll_cutoff) self.new_S_d = new_S_d[mask] self.new_n = new_n[mask] return edges[mask]
[docs] def update(self, u: int, v: int, edge_weight: float, idx: int): """Update likelihood ratio test values """ delta = 1 - 2 * edge_weight self.current_S_d = self.new_S_d[idx] self.current_n = self.new_n[idx] self.current_degree_sequence[[u, v]] += delta
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_alpha(n, S_d, d_min): """Approximate the alpha of a power law distribution. Parameters ---------- n: int or np.array of int Number of entries that are larger than or equal to d_min S_d: float or np.array of float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- alpha: float The estimated alpha of the power law distribution """ return n / (S_d - n * np.log(d_min - 0.5)) + 1
[docs] @staticmethod def update_Sx(S_old, n_old, d_old, d_new, d_min): """Update on the sum of log degrees S_d and n based on degree distribution resulting from inserting or deleting a single edges. Parameters ---------- S_old: float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. n_old: int Number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. d_old: np.array, shape [num_nodes,] dtype int The old degree sequence. d_new: np.array, shape [num_nodes,] dtype int The new degree sequence d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- new_S_d: float, the updated sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. new_n: int, the updated number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. """ old_in_range = d_old >= d_min new_in_range = d_new >= d_min d_old_in_range = np.multiply(d_old, old_in_range) d_new_in_range = np.multiply(d_new, new_in_range) new_S_d = S_old - np.log(np.maximum(d_old_in_range, 1)).sum(1) + np.log( np.maximum(d_new_in_range, 1)).sum(1) new_n = n_old - np.sum(old_in_range, 1) + np.sum(new_in_range, 1) return new_S_d, new_n
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_log_likelihood(n, alpha, S_d, d_min): """Compute log likelihood of the powerlaw fit. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. alpha: float The estimated alpha of the power law distribution S_d: float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- float: the estimated log likelihood """ return n * np.log(alpha) + n * alpha * np.log(d_min) - (alpha + 1) * S_d
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_chisquare(ll_ratios, cutoff): return ll_ratios < cutoff
class LikelihoodFilterTensor: """Likelihood filter (Tensor version) )from the `"Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data" <>`_ paper (KDD'18) Parameters ---------- degree : torch.Tensor the degree of the nodes in the graph ll_cutoff : float, optional likelihood cutoff, by default 0.004 """ def __init__(self, degree: torch.Tensor, ll_cutoff: float = 0.004): self.ll_cutoff = ll_cutoff # Setup starting values of the likelihood ratio test. degree_sequence_start = degree # denotes the minimum degree a node needs to have to be considered in the power-law test d_min = torch.as_tensor(2.0).to(degree) S_d_start = torch.sum( torch.log(degree_sequence_start[degree_sequence_start >= d_min])) n_start = torch.sum(degree_sequence_start >= d_min) alpha_start = self.compute_alpha(n_start, S_d_start, d_min) self.log_likelihood_start = self.compute_log_likelihood( n_start, alpha_start, S_d_start, d_min) self.S_d_start = S_d_start self.current_S_d = S_d_start.clone() self.n_start = n_start self.current_n = n_start.clone() self.current_degree_sequence = degree_sequence_start.clone() self.d_min = d_min def __call__(self, edges, edge_weights): """Do not consider edges that, if added/removed, would lead to a violation of the likelihood ration Chi_square cutoff value. """ n_start = self.n_start S_d_start = self.S_d_start current_S_d = self.current_S_d current_n = self.current_n d_min = self.d_min # Update the values for the power law likelihood ratio test. deltas = 1 - 2 * edge_weights d_edges_old = self.current_degree_sequence[edges] d_edges_new = self.current_degree_sequence[edges] + deltas[:, None] new_S_d, new_n = self.update_Sx( current_S_d, current_n, d_edges_old, d_edges_new, d_min) new_alphas = self.compute_alpha(new_n, new_S_d, d_min) new_ll = self.compute_log_likelihood(new_n, new_alphas, new_S_d, d_min) alphas_combined = self.compute_alpha( new_n + n_start, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ll_combined = self.compute_log_likelihood( new_n + n_start, alphas_combined, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ratios = -2 * new_ll_combined + 2 * \ (new_ll + self.log_likelihood_start) mask = self.filter_chisquare(new_ratios, self.ll_cutoff) self.new_S_d = new_S_d[mask] self.new_n = new_n[mask] return edges[mask] def update(self, u, v, edge_weight, idx): """Update likelihood ratio test values """ delta = 1 - 2 * edge_weight self.current_S_d = self.new_S_d[idx] self.current_n = self.new_n[idx] self.current_degree_sequence[[u, v]] += delta @staticmethod def compute_alpha(n, S_d, d_min): """Approximate the alpha of a power law distribution. Parameters ---------- n: int or np.array of int Number of entries that are larger than or equal to d_min S_d: float or np.array of float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- alpha: float The estimated alpha of the power law distribution """ return n / (S_d - n * torch.log(d_min - 0.5)) + 1 @staticmethod def update_Sx(S_old, n_old, d_old, d_new, d_min): """Update on the sum of log degrees S_d and n based on degree distribution resulting from inserting or deleting a single edges. Parameters ---------- S_old: float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. n_old: int Number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. d_old: np.array, shape [num_nodes,] dtype int The old degree sequence. d_new: np.array, shape [num_nodes,] dtype int The new degree sequence d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- new_S_d: float, the updated sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. new_n: int, the updated number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. """ old_in_range = d_old >= d_min new_in_range = d_new >= d_min d_old_in_range = torch.mul(d_old, old_in_range) d_new_in_range = torch.mul(d_new, new_in_range) new_S_d = S_old - torch.log(torch.maximum(d_old_in_range, 1)).sum(1) + torch.log( torch.maximum(d_new_in_range, 1)).sum(1) new_n = n_old - torch.sum(old_in_range, 1) + torch.sum(new_in_range, 1) return new_S_d, new_n @staticmethod def compute_log_likelihood(n, alpha, S_d, d_min): """Compute log likelihood of the powerlaw fit. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of entries in the old distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. alpha: float The estimated alpha of the power law distribution S_d: float Sum of log degrees in the distribution that are larger than or equal to d_min. d_min: int The minimum degree of nodes to consider Returns ------- float: the estimated log likelihood """ return n * torch.log(alpha) + n * alpha * torch.log(d_min) + (alpha + 1) * S_d @staticmethod def filter_chisquare(ll_ratios: Tensor, cutoff: float): return ll_ratios < cutoff